These readings are therefore an unreliable measure for detection of COVID-19 or other diseases which may cause fever. In either case, natural fluctuations in temperature can occur among healthy individuals. Temperature readings from temperature screening systems will measure skin temperature rather than core body temperature. There is little scientific evidence to support temperature screening as a reliable method for detection of COVID-19 or other febrile illness, especially if used as the main method of testing. Products which the manufacturer claims are intended for screening for COVID-19, or fever-like symptoms, would be regarded as medical devices and regulated by the MHRA. If they fail to comply, we will take formal enforcement action. We are reminding anyone selling these products not to make claims which directly relate to COVID-19 diagnosis. They do not perform to the level required to accurately support a medical diagnosis. These products should only be used in line with the manufacturer’s original intended use, and not to screen people for COVID-19 symptoms.

Businesses and organisations need to know that using these products for temperature screening could put people’s health at risk. Many thermal cameras and temperature screening products were originally designed for non-medical purposes, such as for building or site security.

Graeme Tunbridge, MHRA Director of Devices, said: The Agency is telling manufacturers and suppliers of thermal cameras that they should not make claims which directly relate to COVID-19 diagnosis, and is reminding businesses to follow Government advice on safe working during COVID-19.